End Zone

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

More to Come in March (Stay Tuned)!

There has been plenty going on in the short month of February, and unfortunately that doesn't create much time to blog as of late.

I am currently getting things together for the Boys of Summer APBA Baseball League. A 16-team, 16-owner computer league through APBA's Baseball for Windows game. We will be entering our 7th season. 

I also have a downstate trip to Jackson, Michigan for the 5th Greater Michigan APBA Baseball Tournament on March 2nd (Saturday). It will have 60 attendees competing by playing the Basic Card game presented by APBA Baseball. 

More 1995 No Expansion (DK Sports) to come in March. I am actually three weeks through that season, and have only posted maybe half-of-Week 1 on this site. So believe me, there is plenty to come, lots of fun things to report!